Wednesday, 2 November 2011

eBeam Turning Whiteboard to a Digital Workplace

eBeam Systems employ a revolutionary technology turns standard whiteboard into a digital whiteboards. eBeam digital whiteboard can connect to a PC or Macintosh. With the inclusion of standard dry erase markers into electronic sleeves, pen strokes are recognized and data is transferred to the computer. The notes and drawings can save, print, email, edit or share in real time via Internet or Intranet with anyone anywhere.

With the help of a projector eBeam system can also convert a whiteboard into an interactive computer display using the eBeam pen as a wireless mouse. eBeam whiteboard converts existing digital whiteboard fraction of the cost of traditional electronic whiteboards or photocopiers. Being the smallest interactive whiteboard solutions on the market today, eBeam systems are highly portable and installs in minutes. For Making Classes room, conference hall & meeting room eBeam manufacture different software & tool for whiteboards.

eBeam Capture records every pen stroke mark on the board so there is no lose of important ideas. It also easily and securely broadcasts whiteboard notes over the internet in real-time to anyone so anyone can watch it even those who are not present in the class. It also capable of recording voices which make lecture more easy for absent students or remote teachers.

EBeam Interact software is a simple yet powerful tool to break the paradigm of outdated software. The palette customizable, circular tool provides the functionality needed for application. Work with students and teachers from around the world and sharing of Office documents, images or displays.

eBeam Complete is the mixture of a completely feature whiteboard and a next-generation digital copyboard. The product is not only powerful but compact which makes the complete system portable enough to carry in a laptop case.

eBeam Projection works by means of the digital projector and with standard whiteboard to produce an interactive workspace where one can with no trouble present, collaborate, and build lessons. The system include two-button stylus which permit one-touch access to left and right-click functionality as well as showing and hiding the tool palette.

eBeam Interact software provide essential tools to assist & connect with students and deliver dynamic presentations. The package of eBeam Projection, eBeam Whiteboard and eBeam Complete allows one to choose whether one wants to turn the existing whiteboard into either a fully-featured interactive whiteboard or an online-capable copyboard.

Buy eBeam Interactive whiteboards & projector now on discount prices.

1 comment:

  1. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information portable whiteboard
