Interactive Whiteboard

Interactive Whiteboard Digital Technology

In traditional education system we had dusty blackboards. Students feel bored and lazy with their way of learning. At that time, teachers had a chalk to see their point of view and that student feel usually very difficult to explain. Today, students have used the technology around them wherever they go, and the class is no different. The development of a digital whiteboard has replaced the "Chalkboard".

In a recent study its shows that schools tools are changed, interactive whiteboards ranked as one of the most useful tools to enhance learning. One teacher said: "One year after my interactive whiteboard, in particular an increase in the level of attention and participation of my students aware of the interactive whiteboard to help focus their attention on me and my teaching and helps to keep focused " One teacher said:" One year after my advice, I can see an increase in levels of attention and participation of the interactive whiteboard helps my students to focus their attention on me and in my classes and helps them stay focused”.

An interactive electronic whiteboard is basically an interactive display that connects to a computer, either directly or via the buttons on the flash drive. They use internal or external projector for displaying images on a computer screen and allows the user to control the computer with a pen, a pointing device, or finger. Software in these smartboards capture still images from the information written on the whiteboard with a dry erase marker (which looks and feels like a traditional painting). Tiles not only allow users to backup data and to prepare brochures and notes or e-mail files of the students, but also offer the ability to print files directly from the board.

Electronic Interactive whiteboards are used in a wide variety of environments but they seem to be the most popular in the formation of its effectiveness. Systems that replace traditional slow board, flip charts, laptops, and even A / V does not need a closet / V and dig out the DVD player and television, films, media files simply run through the whiteboard interactive, and a large flat panel screens used. In addition, the integrated network, students can work on the advice of a personal computer or laptop in the room.

Another popular reason for installing these interactive whiteboards in classroom is that many applications used interactive whiteboards and help teachers make the most of this investment. Popular program is designed for mathematics, science, reading, sports and more general lesson plan. Some of these programs, teachers can easily and quickly start teaching interactive lessons with little knowledge or training in the art.

If you want the total value of the investment made into an interactive whiteboard, then you need to know all the features. It is unreasonable for the right investment for use as a projector. Take some time to know which edge you want and find the functions they are capable. There are many sites on the Internet and social, especially for teachers to share tools, ideas and resources. But now the tables and an interactive day become the most popular information sharing not only in the classroom, but in other business meetings and conferences.