Thursday 29 December 2011

Interactive Whiteboard Good Tool

To provide an exceptional and helpful learning experience for students, it is essential that the school has ideal tools for classroom presentation.

The latest research point out that using an interactive whiteboard in classroom has regularly improved the ability of students to learn.

Smartboards or interactive whiteboard is nothing but a blank large, digital screen which connects to a PC or laptop. In fact, it displays the contents of which are on the PC screen using a projector. You can do something like open files, close applications running or installing software, text, design, printing, etc. doing everything possible with a computer with interactive features.

You can also surf the net. If you want to teach your students the use of interactive board, collect information about the subject they teach, and create a Word document or PowerPoint presentation. Keep it in the system and can be explained at any time and place for all students in achieving interactive whiteboard classroom.

Monday 12 December 2011

Panasonic Interactive Whiteboard

Panasonic Interactive Whiteboards are the most advanced and feature rich interactive whiteboards. Equipped with cutting edge technologies, super fast software features, and most of all use of touch sensitive surface, makes these boards bring an exceedingly vibrant and collaborative learning and teaching in and off the classroom. Reaching to meet the needs of wider audience, Panasonic Panaboard creates an unprecedented learning environment that is hard to match with just ordinary whiteboards and augments the effectiveness of content to an extent that cannot be reached with collaboration-free boards. It rejuvenates communication and control with simple hand gestures and finger control on touch sensitive surface.

Panaboard is the perfect Interactive Whiteboard because it includes all the features of an interactive whiteboard and takes them ahead with a significant value addition.  It converts a monolith white screen into responsive and touch sensitive surface, ready for simultaneous collaboration, and obstruction free operations. The smooth and durable surface of the board is made with hardened ceramic steel to let users experience swift operations and remarkably high performance irrespective of regular usage and to a longer period in time.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Promethean Whiteboard for Classrooms

Promethean ActivBoard Make Classrooms Interactive

The Electronic whiteboards warehouse is a one stop shop for all educational, learning, and presentation tools. It brings together the most popular technologies and products – all at one place – to empower YOU, our customers with the right solutions to connect and collaborate more effectively in classrooms, meeting rooms, training sessions, or during presentations. The is the right place to be if you are planning to make the purchase of an interactive whiteboard, classroom projector, wireless tablet, clickers, or an electronic copyboard.

Promethean is one of the brands showcased on EWW Web site. The top selling Promethean interactive whiteboard is the Promethean ABV387S300 Interactive Whiteboard. Let’s review it here and outline the features, benefits, and specifications of the cutting edge board.